Gum Diseases

There are Two Stages of gum diseade, Gingivitis and Periodontal.


Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis is one of many periodontal diseases that affect the health of the periodontium (those tissues that surround the teeth and include the gums, soft tissues, and bone). Chronic gingivitis leads to receding gums and can cause permanent damage to teeth. Gingivitis is a common cause of gum disease and a form of periodontitis.

Periodontal diseases are often classified according to their severity. They range from mild gingivitis, to more severe periodontitis, and more uncommon but serious acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, which can be life-threatening.


Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support the teeth. Teeth are supported by the gums, or gingiva. A tooth’s root is anchored to its socket by fibers called periodontal ligaments.

The gums do not attach to the teeth as firmly as one might think. A shallow, V-shaped gap called a sulcus exists between the teeth and the gums. Periodontal disease affects this gap. Eventually, in periodontal disease, the tissues supporting the tooth break down. If only the gums are involved in this breakdown, the disease is called gingivitis. If only the connecting tissues and bone are involved, it is called periodontitis.

How Do I Prevent Gum Disease?

A good oral health regime is important. Brush for at least two minutes after every meal (but not immediately after the meal, leave it 30 minutes so your mouth acid levels have time to reduce.) Floss every day and use interdental brushes to reach the parts of your teeth that normal brushing can miss.

See your dentist for a check-up every six months. Getting your teeth cleaned professionally is important because normal brushing reaches only 60 per cent of the surface of your teeth.

How Do I Treat Gum Disease?

The recognised leading gum disease treatment is chlorhexidine, as recommended by dental professionals for the last 30 years.

Chlorhexidine is a key active ingredient in Elgydium toothpaste and Eludril mouthwash.

Elgydium toothpaste should be used daily to help prevent gum disease. The range includes:

  • ● Elgydium Anti-Plaque
  • ● Elgydium Whitening
  • ● Elgydium Sensitive
  • ● Elgydium Decay Protection.

Eludril antibacterial and analgesic mouthwash need only be used for short treatment periods, of up to two weeks at a time or until symptoms improve. Dentists recommend a 15ml dose (for adults and children aged over 6) diluted with lukewarm water.